Any Good SACD Player Plays CD Well

I'm using Sony SCD555ES and wanna upgrade to a better one. For the range of USD10000, any good SACD player can do well at red book, which close to the grade of Wadia 861, Mark 390s, or Metronome T1-i Signature?
Yes, the combo can include the switchman. I am not sure whether it is a must for DAC6 as most of the people do have a pre-amp already, or in my case, an integrated one. Actually, I am thinking in other way - could I get rid of the switchman from DCC2 in order to drive down the price a bit? :) Anyway, I still want to know what kind of pre-amp it is.

Regarding classe omega, what I knew is about USD15000. I will think about it if it is within my range. Thanks.
The DCC 2 is both units; if you want separates, and to pay more, you get the DAC 6 and Switchman. Though obviously you can use any preamp with the DAC 6.
Thanks for all of your responses. It is impressive to me indeed as this is my first post here... :P

If I go for DCC2, does it mean that I have to by-pass my pre-amp part (of the Gryphon 2200). Any ordinary anlogue CD output from DCC2? If not, I will choose DAC6 (at the same price) as it can plug to my Gryphon directly. Also, I have the potential for 6 channels expansion and upgrade to switchman later.