Any Good SACD Player Plays CD Well

I'm using Sony SCD555ES and wanna upgrade to a better one. For the range of USD10000, any good SACD player can do well at red book, which close to the grade of Wadia 861, Mark 390s, or Metronome T1-i Signature?
Wally- Mahalo nui loa. I wish you all the best in your
quest for the best.

Tireguy- Yes, it's about the money, but based on your past
posts/system, and Jtinn's being a dealer, I'll reserve my judgement on the EMM Labs' redbook performance until I hear one.
Just a curious note here: If you got to Richard
Kern's Web-Site, he admits the Dac6 bested his
fully hot rodded Sony SCD-1 and he also says the
Dac6 is the best he's heard. Since it is not exactly
in his best interest to make these comments, I
think it lends something to the statement.

Just thought I'd pass that on.
Rob- Needn't pay no mind to kana813, he often listens with his wallet and not his ears. Its best just to humor him and move on. BTW thanks for the info above! I sometimes get confused and need to see it laid out in plain English :o)
Kana813: Just because you are not in the position to buy a current "state of the art" digital setup, does not mean that you should give those who can a hard time. I am sure you are quite happy with your "CAL Delta Transport" and "Custom DAC from 1993", but the EMM Labs equipment is a quantum leap over what you and just about everyone else currently has.

As soon as someone on the island buys one, I will let you know so maybe you can go listen. I really think that when you listen to it playing "CD", you will recognize what those of us are talking about.

What's with da stinkeye all da time?