Any Good SACD Player Plays CD Well

I'm using Sony SCD555ES and wanna upgrade to a better one. For the range of USD10000, any good SACD player can do well at red book, which close to the grade of Wadia 861, Mark 390s, or Metronome T1-i Signature?
Jtinn- thanks for taking the time to look at my system.

Please don't try and use Hawaiian phases.

FYI- Stinkeye= Frowning at someone, using facial expression to show displeasure. We've never met and never


Kana813: Having lived on both Oahu and The Big Island, I am very familiar with the meaning of "stinkeye." Your response was very clear and showed in your post. My description was accurate.

Let's face it: the EMM Labs is said by many to offer the bery best CD performance available, better than the Linn CD12 at a lower price. What more can you ask for? Viel Spass!
I've just emailed to the distributor in Canada for DAC6 enquiry, it need to wait for 2 months.