I might be over taking too simple of an approach here, but I took one of the little pen things that detect current/voltage(hot leads) and went around my system with the supplied(careful wording here...) and it went nuts.
With my DIY adventure, the pen no longer goes off, as much. It is pretty hard to shield a tv....:)
I think I was thinking of a more "global" approach, basically reducing the junk jumping into the RCA ic's.
I am not wanting to start a gripe thread... But I have no choice but to use single ended ic's on some equipment. Simaudio Stellar to the Simaudio Attraction can only be hooked up in one of two ways... Digital coax or RCA's. No balanced inputs on the Attraction.
The field an unshielded pc give off seems to be large, at least 12 inches.
Thanks all
With my DIY adventure, the pen no longer goes off, as much. It is pretty hard to shield a tv....:)
I think I was thinking of a more "global" approach, basically reducing the junk jumping into the RCA ic's.
I am not wanting to start a gripe thread... But I have no choice but to use single ended ic's on some equipment. Simaudio Stellar to the Simaudio Attraction can only be hooked up in one of two ways... Digital coax or RCA's. No balanced inputs on the Attraction.
The field an unshielded pc give off seems to be large, at least 12 inches.
Thanks all