Good Phono Pre-Amps...$500 to $1500

I am in the market for the best sounding phono pre-amp I can buy in the 500 to 1500 range. Will be using a Linn table/arm with a Dynavector DV-10X5. I listen at low to moderate levels, mainly to Jazz and female vocals...and a little rock and classics.

i too have heard great things about the k&k, but it's hard for me to believe that it is worth nearly 3 times, with shipping, what the dynavector p-75 will get you. the incredible improvement on my system notwithstanding, this seems to be the general consensus on both sides of the atlantic. i suppose if you have cash to burn, it's a non issue. but because $1500 seems to be your limit, again i would encourage you to explore this amazing giant killer and spend the rest of vinyl.

good luck!
Sberger, hard for you to believe, I can understand. But, I would submit, impossible to say without having heard both for yourself. IMHO, it is worth about three times more than three times more than the Dynavector. Believe me, I don't have money to burn - that is why I bought the K & K. I admit all things are relative and $1500 to some might be extravagant, but I went through and/or auditioned more than a few phono stages before buying mine.

I will agree that if you are comparing the Dynavector to most stages costing $1500, the Dyna is a "beater". Not when compared to the K&K, though, which is a $4K stage or better "beater". IMHO, YMMV, and all that. :-)
sounds like a fantastic phono...nonetheless, given the specific situation of whatjd, i'd still take the amp that will get you $1500 sound for $600, and either buy records, or even upgrade the cart, maybe with a dyn 20x-l for $525, or a dyn karat 17d2 for $750. And you still would have at least a few hundred left over for more vinyl.

anyhow, interesting choices...
Hi all,

Thanks for the input. I am researching several that have been recommended.

Sberger, do you know if the Dynavector unit is OP-Amp based or discrete?

Does anyone have a sonic impression of the difference between the ARC PH3 vs. PH3SE?

Does anyone have any experience with the Musical Surroundings unit? It claims to be all discrete.

Thanks, Jim