Sony SCD-777ES availability?

Does anyone know of any new SCD-777ES SACD players
still available? All places I've tried (J&R, etc.)
say the unit is discontinued, but Stereophile had a
write-up about it last month! Any suggestions?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
Yeah, tell Stereophile to get on the stick with new technology as shattering as SACD.
Post removed 
Well, those "goldenears" who must have the blessings of the
"phool" are "SOL" now. Those who trusted their own ears, myself included, bought in at rock bottom, and now listen with glee! I've now a product which unlike most high-end, I could resell for close to $1000 more than I paid. Sorry, mine is not for sale.

Like lemmings rushing to the sea, those who needed the "blessing" of a magazine almost totally sponsored by the Harman Group are crying now. Too bad most audiophiles can't trust their own ears! Other's who bought in on the SCD1/SCD777ES are smiling today, and enjoying what our own ears told us many, many months ago.

Sorry, those who can't find it now, I have no pity for ya.
