To Biwire or not to biwire

Looking to hear from people that have biwired using one amp (not bi amping). I read a lot about - works well in a poorly designed loudspeaker, but makes it worse in a well designed one (see Coincident Speaker web site). Looking forward to comments. I am using Coincident CST speaker cable. Thanks in advance.
In my experience, bi-wiring is always an improvement. I do somewhat agree with the opinion held by some individuals that high quality single speaker cables will often outperform modest quality bi-wire speaker cables. However, if everything is equal then bi-wiring is always better.

I have no direct experience with Coincident speakers or cables, but on my old Spendors, 'shotgun' style bi-wire cables made a significant improvement over several types of single speaker cables.
I have never heard anyone say bi-wire sounds worse and it is not BS, but it is a matter of how to best spend your audio cable budget.

I have several pairs of speakers and sometimes use single run of speaker cable (with improved jumpers) and also use double cable runs for bi-wire (which sounds better than internal bi-wire, but expensive option)

I think in many cases you will get best sound from just spending 2X as much for better single cable vs double cable runs for bi-wire.......but this is not universal statement for all cables/speaker combos, just my overall impressions from experience.

From Audiogoner's experiences, how have the single cables with a jumper (of a similar cable type) performed in comparison to the bi-wire (shotgun and internal)?
there is no evidence from any manufacturer (only opinion) that bi wiring does anything positve or negative. it is a selling feature....ask any longtime speaker buider who hasn't bowed to the pressure of marketing a myth. ...shahinian,thiel...even some that do offer bi wiring will admit its there only because its easier than explaining that it is b.s.