Sony SCD-777ES availability?

Does anyone know of any new SCD-777ES SACD players
still available? All places I've tried (J&R, etc.)
say the unit is discontinued, but Stereophile had a
write-up about it last month! Any suggestions?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
Thanks for the info, Rcprince. Paul (Beemer): you sound
like a jerk. Don't bother answering a thread if that's
all you've got to say!
Hello Dave:

You don't like what I had to say!? Too bad.
These players were available for as low as $1500 prior to stereophool's "blessing".

Did you just find out? Or did you get your "blessing" and decide now was the time to buy?! Dave, I've got nothing against you personally and you DO have ears of your own, do you not? Can Dave make his own decision based on what Dave hears, or does Dave need the blessing of the "phool" to buy audio products?

My issue isn't you Dave, and I wish you luck finding your SCD777ES, my issue is the false power of a magazine totally dictated by the advertising revenue it generates.

To back up my claims, go to "". View the list of companies under the Harman Group umbrella. Now go find a bad review in Stereophool for any of Harman's group of companies. Also check the manufacturers index in the "phool" for their ads. Now imagine "phool" slams a new Levinson product, and Harman group pulls all their ads. Next thing you know, it's goodbye "phool". That's the way of the audio biz Dave. These folks care not a whit about your enjoyment of music, only in how they can extract your hard earned dollars from your wallet.

Best Regards,

Sometimes I like a product but since I trade gear a lot, I hesitate to buy it unless I perceive a good resale market for it. A good review in a major publication, online or paper, goes a long way towards creating a strong sale and resale market. This is for good reasons: not everyone has a chance to hear everything, the journal reviews are much more long term and controlled than a quick listen in a shop, and the review itself serves as an awareness-raising vehicle.

A 777ES for $2000 after a strong positive review comes out can be seen as a better value the same thing for $1200 prior to the review. Reviews change the size of the sale market and demand in the resale market.

I find reviews tend to be accurate, except, that sometimes you have to read between the lines. Stereophile tends to keep their negative comments buried deep in the text IMO. A review that ends - "this is competitive in its price range, you ought to hear it, it might be to your taste" is a very mediocre statement, kind of like Wall Street calling a stock "market perform" when they mean SELL! Positive reviews end with enthusiasm - "I bought this thing" or "stomps the competition in its price range".

I think that buying this unit prior to it's positive review is something to be proud of, rather than trashing others.

Forget the 777. Buy the 9000ES from oade brothers website for around $900 then have Ric Schultz of Electronic Visionary Systems(see more info. at modify it for about another $400. You can talk to Ric for more details, but my guess is by the time he gets done with it you'll have a piece that rivals or beats the 777 and you'll get a progressive scan DVD player in the bargain. Ric's backlogged with the popularity of this player and his DAC so it may take a while, but it'll likely be worth the wait and you'll have the 9000ES in the meantime which is no slouch sonically even in stock form(Red Rose used it as their source to great effect at the New York Home Ent. show). Just thought you might like another option. Best of luck.

Paul, like you, I bought the '777ES months ago for $1500. I was very glad to get the player for such a good price, but don't pass judgment on someone over something as trivial as when they decide to buy a hi-fi component and at what price. What's the big deal? Are you better than someone else because you bought the '777ES earlier and for less than they might? Get over yourself. Stick to answering the question. If you can't simply answer the question, pass it by.