Bombaywalla, Thanks, I was hoping SOMEONE else would help out with this. My approach does get a little hairy, BUT it is very thorough. With the correct calculations, the numbers don't lie.
Also, I found after locating the specs on the Koetsu Onyx, that the output is actually 0.2mv @ 1khz/5/cms, vs. 0.4mv as you stated with an output impedance of 5 ohms, and a recommended loading of 5-100k ohms.
A 64 db gain would be optimum for a 0.2mv output. This calculation is based on achieving a 325m V rms output @ 5 cm/s.
I offer this info not in the spirit of disagreement, but in the spirit of clarification.
Now let's just hope that Jon is not so disgusted that he went out and purchased a CD player. :>)
Thanks again for your contribution Bombaywalla, Ed.
Also, I found after locating the specs on the Koetsu Onyx, that the output is actually 0.2mv @ 1khz/5/cms, vs. 0.4mv as you stated with an output impedance of 5 ohms, and a recommended loading of 5-100k ohms.
A 64 db gain would be optimum for a 0.2mv output. This calculation is based on achieving a 325m V rms output @ 5 cm/s.
I offer this info not in the spirit of disagreement, but in the spirit of clarification.
Now let's just hope that Jon is not so disgusted that he went out and purchased a CD player. :>)
Thanks again for your contribution Bombaywalla, Ed.