Cocktail of choice when listening to fav music?

Do you have a cocktail preference when listening to your favorite music on your sytem? Are you a sipper or not?
Way to go, Albert! That 86 Comtesse is a 100 point bottle! The last Beck's I had was an Oktoberfest Special. I think there is some still left in the stores. I haven't had a Bitburger in years. If I remember correctly the last Bitburger I had was a Weissbier, with the yeast still floating around in it. Can only drink one of them. I need to come down there and get introduced to some of that great Scotch Whisky. I've only had Glenlivet and Glenmorangie.
Scotch on the rocks (single malt). The type depends on the mood. My standard are the Dahlwhinnie or Aberlour 15's but some moods and the resulting music just demand something smokier!
Any good beer, usually Bohemia or French/Belgian/German beer. And on the rarest of occasions when I can find it some Goldstar or Maccabee from Israel.
Twl, I just got up after falling over in my chair and nearly rolling into one speaker (sudden dynamics pushed me away from danger): '82 Cheval Blanc (!!!), 40 yr old Margaux...!
Those are worth more than my system!
Why do you live so far away -- life's unjust!

I'll return to my lowly Lagavulin -- a shot of which is about as much as a poor middle-european can afford nowadays. Or a Plzen (pronounced pilsen) beer... Clink!

p.s. Natalie; ok for the Mchristo. I agree with the Oban as digestif, but why chill it??