Nottingham Interspace TT/Arm vs Used Linn Lp12

I am trying to get into LP after 15 years of Cd, mostly for classical music.
Any advice on new Nottingham Interspace TT/arm combo vs, used Linn LP-12 /Valhalla/Ittok II combo. Also what cartridge in $500-700 should I consider for respective combo ?
Another $1000 tonearm possibility for the Spacedeck is the Hadcock GH242 SE w/ Incognito wiring. I have not heard as many tonearms on the Spacedeck as 4yanx, but I did get to live with the Spacearm and Shelter 901 cartridge on my Spacedeck for about a month, prior to all my parts coming in for my personal cartridge and tonearm.

I am using a Benz ACE H2 with the Hadcock, and in all honesty I would take my combo over what I was hearing with the Spacearm-Shelter combo. The latter had a stridency to vocals that the Hadcock has not suffered from. In any case, the sonic differences certainly weren't huge, especially considering the Spacearm combo retails for about $2500 and the Hadcock combo retails for about $1600, and like I said I favored the cheaper combo. Also the Hadcock has every single adjustment possible on it, not as convienent to make as say a Graham, but they are at least all still there.

Also on 6moons a reviewer compared the Hadcock to his past Morch tonearm and current Schroeder tonearm. He states that he much preferred the Hadcock over the Morch, but still the Schroeder has naturalness about it that the Hadcock couldn't quite reach. However the Schroeder is nearly three times the price.
Soliver, it is good to hear that you enjoy the Hadcock. It has been said that Tom Fletcher used a Hadcock to "voice" his first tables. I tried a Hadcock in comparison with the Spacearm using a Shelter MkII and preferred the Spacearm. Perhaps things are different with the Benz.

As an aside, and perhps it is either a typo or a misunderstanding on my part, but where can you get a Spacedeck/Hadcock for $1600 retail? The Spacedeck without arm is generally $1,800 retail and something tells me they aren't throwing in the Hadcock and also discounting the table by a two c-notes! :-)
Cartridge + Arm costs, no table costs.

So you have had the chance to hear a Hadcock on a Spacedeck, cool had not read that you had heard that combo.

4yanx, got another question for you.

When you first heard the Mystic Mat on a Spacedeck you wrote here that you preferred the Mytic Mat over the BA Mat1. I think you said it was kind of like adding tubes into a system. What caused you to change your mind in terms of preferring the Mat 1 over the Mystic now? Just curious, as I am leaning towards eventually getting a Mystic Mat as of right now.
Like Soliver, I have both a Hadcock (original GH228 Export circa 1980) and a Schroeder Model 2 on my Platine Verdier. Sure the Schroeder is better, but it sure costs a damn site more (1000 GBP or 1750 USD) versus my Hadcock (circa 1980 60GBP or 100USD).

The newer Hadcocks are better built and have infinitely superior wiring. Nevertheless, even now they represent excellent value for money. It works well with my Allaerts MC1B, but is one of the few arms to work with my decca London Gold (Garrott Bros).
Soliver - you are correct in that in my intial assessment I thought the Mystic Mat was a shade better than the Mat1. I still think it is a close call but, after a more extended comparison, I prefer the Mat1 ON THE SPACEDECK due to its ability to provide a more realistic mid range and a quieter background than the Mystic Mat. In addition, what I first misinterpreted as the Mat1 being a tad light in the lower end is actually due to better definition of the bass, which I've noticed after further listening. OTOH, my friend continues to prefer the Mystic on his table - so there ya go! :-)

I should add that my Spacedeck has the original "short" platter which I WHOLLY prefer to the "heavyweight" and I've not heard the Mystic on the taller platter.