Camlet Lancelot Vs MS Phonomena

Hi there,
I have trawled the archives without joy.
Has anyone compared these two phono stages.
I want to try a battery powered stage and the only thing that worries me is the Phonomena sometimes suffers from 'hum' problems, or so I've read.

I use a variety of mainly mc cartridges & a couple of mm.
Cheers Monk,
for a very detailed reply. I was intending to use a zxy which is possibly a bit low output but this is just a stop gap.
Does the power supply need powered all the time - I am in the uk & was hoping just to use a transformer (240-120V)to charge the battery?
Rgds Simon
I would contact Camelot Tech about that one. I don't know what the recharge time is - or what the actual battery time is either, as my 3-4 year old battery is still lasting well over 10 hours a charge. I have never had to stop a long listening session for the battery to recharge. They might have a 240V battery (Dc) power supply? Just swap out the Lancelot 120V power supply boxes or have it modded at the factory to 240V. Should be a quick turnaround time wise. They can provide other resistor values as well, to maybe increase the gain to 60dB for that ZYX also.
Hi Monk,
Sourced a Lancelot plus Charm so will let you know how it fares. The guy already has a resistor for a low output mc installed which Camelot supplied - will listen awhile before trying your suggested mods.
Thanks again Simon