Well tempered platter problem?

I just noticed tonight that when I examine the platter of my turntable, a well tempered classic, that if I press down on the edge of the platter, that I can rock it back and forth substantially. I am not refering to the "slack" in the bearing that will be there pressing away from the bearing surfaces. I am thinking that the platter is not fitting onto the spindle tightly, leaving some movement.

Has anyone experienced this yet? Is this normal?

I don't own a Well Tempered, but I am familiar with the design: it is not a "normal" bearing, having just four contact points two below, two higher up (and I guess one at the bottom) and so tipping over when not pulled by the belt into position. Don't worry, this is normal, and partially accounts for the sound quality.
I am very familiar with the Well Tempered and used to sell them. If the bearing is placed appropriately, the spindle and platter will fall to the right (away from the motor). The tension on the belt should hold the platter level, unless you apply pressure on the right. There are four contact points on the sides of the spindle cup, and one on the bottom. As noted by Johnnantais, this is one of the reasons it sounds so good. A unique and great bearing design.
Thanks for both of your responses, but I wasn't very clear on the movement in question. Here goes:

When pressing on the left side of the platter, nearest the motor, which should "tighten" the bearing, there is movement, quite alot actually. I know about the "loosening" movement you both speak of , which the belt holds in. This is like a "loose" bearing movement, which is supposed to be impossible.

Me previous well tempered table was rock-solid in the bearing area. I am wondering if one or more of the "pads" in the bearing are wore out and letting play occur?

Long live the well tempered!

Brad- Is there ANY point at which, when pressing on the outer part of the platter, it dos NOT rock? Please identify areas that rock and do not rock as "12 O'Clock" (nearest back edge of table), "3 O'Clock", etc.

The only spot it should rock (or fall away)is at about the 3 to 4 O'Clock position, as noted by Rlapporte.

Seems that maybe the bearing is 180 degrees out of alignment.

Please let us know.
