would you bother?

hey all.i am considering getting into vinyl but don't own a single lp.if it was you in this position would you bother or not?
Just my 2 cents--

It really depends on what you listen to. For example, I listen to quite a bit of indie rock, and yesterday I bought:

1) Cat Power--You Are Free (Matador, 2003, 150g), and
2)The Shins--Chutes Too Narrow (Sub Pop, 2003)

Each cost me $11 new and just kill! They are both discs that I'd had bought on CD if that were the only option. There's a TON of new vinyl out there for the taking in indie rock, punk, rap, and reggae--and these genres haven't had the grotesque price inflation that's happened to jazz. I mean, no one likes Mingus Ah Hum more than I do, but I'm not going to pay $40 for a reissue.
I bought my TT when CD's were just becoming the rage 20 years ago or so - and I never attained the magic I heard in the showroom, so I went along with CD's. Then finally, a pro set the arm properly, sold me the right cartidge, and I had upgraded the phono pre. Well, there was music like I had always wanted. So, if you're really into the listening, then a TT is unbeatable.
Starting from 'scratch' will require a lot of patience and discretionary income. Good analog rigs and new, virgin 180g - 200g vinyl is expensive. Also, you MUST wash (at least once) your records for optimum play back results....additional costs and time required. I enjoy my vinyl collection, and analog rig, and hope you decide to enter into the field as well. The sound quality is superior to red book cd's.
late post, but -

At any time there are approximately 150,000 LP's (used and new) for sale on eBay, most of them in pristine condition, and often selling selling for a fraction of the price of a CD. As one example, I recently got a dozen Count Basie LP's from one seller, many appearing unplayed, for $3 each! If you make the investment in even a moderately good playback system, I believe this is the cheapest way to get superb sound.
An LP collection is not a problem. Cheapest software available -- TT and Phono stage, cartridge, Record Cleaning Machine, learning how to set everything up -- so it's not easy but -- would I? Absolutely!!