Please advise re dedicated circuit

Considering doing this. I mean, having an electrician or myself install a new circuit with one or two outlets for the audio system. When I finished my basement last year I did all my own wiring after consulting with a helpful chap at Home Depot so I could maybe handle it myself.

First, is it always an improvement? Some of the threads here talk about it being less than desirable if using stock PCs, which I will be doing only for my CD source - a Sony C555ES which I like very much for its changer capability and the sound is pretty good too. I might consider switching out the captive cord and getting a plug installed but I'd rather not risk the warranty loss - 5 years with ES products.

Anyway, should I use 10 gauge? And, if getting an electrician to do the job, what kind of cost should I expect? I know, it depends, but looking for a *range* here... about 70 feet or less of pretty much straight run, suspended ceiling to work through, so it should not be too complicated.

Would like to hear your experiences!
KCK: At 70 feet, you should be running 10 gauge at the minimum. Don't know the size of your amp or current draw, but the longer the run, the more voltage drop you'll have under load. Since it only costs a bit more for the 10 gauge versus the 12 gauge, use the heavier stuff right off the bat and be done with it. Even if you don't pull that much juice from the wall, you'll have peace of mind knowing that you are well covered, even for future use.

Marty: The "little" two channel Sunfire amp ( 300 @ 8 / 600 @ 4 ) can pop a 15 amp breaker if your standing on the volume with a 2 ohm load. As such, trying to drive SEVEN channels with a big amp and inefficient, low impedance speakers could be a real handful for anything less than an ideal AC circuit. Sean
Sean: I guess in my experiences I've used speakers with >88db sensitivity and >4 ohms. I know(the theory) the current requirements go up in a steep curve as either/both these figures go down.

I'll have to try something different and see if I can shoot flames across the room....:)

You can consider two options in terms of were to get your line from; most people get them from a secondary panel or additional breakers connected to the primary house panel, a second and preferable option that many do not consider is to get a second primary panel directly from the power co. line into your home. The latter option may improve the overall quality of the power to your equipment and also may allow more flexibility in terms of type of wire and lenth. Be mindfull that 10ga wire is quite stiff and what you may think is a straight shot through the attic may in reality require multiple bends. I just finished doing a primary panel in my house for my 2-channel system and coming from the power co. meter to the panel we use ~40 ft. of 4ga copper wire to the breakers and only needed ~12 in. of 10ga straight through the wall into the outlets. We had the benefit doing it this way that the meter was on the same side of the house as my audio room, whereas the primary house panel is on the opposite side of the house and it would have taken ~100 ft of 10ga through the attic for each circuit run. Since we installed the audio panel outdoors, the 4 ga wire run from the meter was done underground with thick pvc pipe and fairly straight. Also, because the longer wire run is with the larger 4 ga wire, any voltage drop would be less than a long run with the 10 ga wire. Enough for now! Hope this helps.