Interconnect length

I have some new cabinetry for my audio gear which would now allow me to go to 1/2 meter lengths for nearly all connections instead of the 1 meter lengths I'm using now. Anyone have an opinion on whether it would be worth it to switch to the shorter lengths?

I suspect the mantra is here is "less is more" but I figured I'd ask the question to see if anyone has an opinion on the matter.


I think shorter is better. I have heard the difference. I make my own cables, so I can make long ones and short ones and have spares lying around since they're so cheap. As I understand capacitance is the most importance factor in interconnect sound, and halving the length of cable will substantially reduce the capacitance (not halve it because of the capacitance of the plugs).

I'd get one short cable on sale-or-return and find out if I could hear a difference. Perhaps you won't, but science says you might.
I agree with the above posters shorter is usually always better but you will never hear the difference between 1/2 meter.

Capacitance is what you want to minimize in IC's. Going to .5m lengths will cut this approx. in half (connectors cause quite a lot of cap). Definitely recommended if you can do it. I have done a lot of simulations and listening tests and cap is the first-order effect.
Audioengr, what is your opinion on the debate about long interconnects vs. long speaker cables? If you need some length somewhere in the system, do you go with a 4M set of ICs or a 20 ft length of speaker cable?
I use 3m + 6m XLRs between pre and monos, and then 2.4m speaker cables. The system is dead quiet, linear, and highly resolving. Changing the ICs resulted in little change. Changing the cables was more noticeable, so I'm glad the cables aren't the longer ones!
I'd be more concerned only if the longer ICs weren't balanced. Good luck.