Interconnect length

I have some new cabinetry for my audio gear which would now allow me to go to 1/2 meter lengths for nearly all connections instead of the 1 meter lengths I'm using now. Anyone have an opinion on whether it would be worth it to switch to the shorter lengths?

I suspect the mantra is here is "less is more" but I figured I'd ask the question to see if anyone has an opinion on the matter.


I use 3m + 6m XLRs between pre and monos, and then 2.4m speaker cables. The system is dead quiet, linear, and highly resolving. Changing the ICs resulted in little change. Changing the cables was more noticeable, so I'm glad the cables aren't the longer ones!
I'd be more concerned only if the longer ICs weren't balanced. Good luck.
I have kind of the same scenario as Drubin, maybe a little worse. I have 3 monoblocks behind a screenwall. My current i/c run is 40ft (transparent ref w/xl). my speaker run is 8ft. Now I want to upgrade cables & if I can shorten the i/c run to around 20-25ft would this make much of a difference. on the other hand what would I be looking at if I had a 20ft speaker run along with about a 2-3meter i/c?
all these opinions - many backed up by with NO experience:
I have a source component that consistently sounds better with shorter cabling: it really sounds much better HF-wise with 1/2 meter cabling than longer (& I'm talking about $1000 a pair cables here folks).
As always, it depends, & YMMV. There are NO absolutes in this hobby. Try it for yourself & always see (hear) what YOU prefer in YOUR OWN rig.
Bob's point is well taken. Too many posts are opinions only and not from use/ownership of the product/item in question.

That said, I had used .5m vs. 1m Wireword Gold Eclipse III and Nordost Quatrofil .6m(they do this not .5m?) vs. 1m. and in both cases the shorter cable had better PRAT/timing and ease of listening than the longer.

Just my history with the "long and short of it".
Whatjd: yes, Quattro et alia (Clearaudio) are in 0,6 -- allegedly better length than the 0,5 for some electrical reason. I don't think they charge extra for the 0,1 :).

I had only one experience, with SPM. It was 0,5 -- 0,6 -- 1,0/ used b/ween cdp->active pre. I'm nuts, I know, but the 0,6 was best, 1,0 came second. The highs as noted before...