Interconnect length

I have some new cabinetry for my audio gear which would now allow me to go to 1/2 meter lengths for nearly all connections instead of the 1 meter lengths I'm using now. Anyone have an opinion on whether it would be worth it to switch to the shorter lengths?

I suspect the mantra is here is "less is more" but I figured I'd ask the question to see if anyone has an opinion on the matter.


Bob's point is well taken. Too many posts are opinions only and not from use/ownership of the product/item in question.

That said, I had used .5m vs. 1m Wireword Gold Eclipse III and Nordost Quatrofil .6m(they do this not .5m?) vs. 1m. and in both cases the shorter cable had better PRAT/timing and ease of listening than the longer.

Just my history with the "long and short of it".
Whatjd: yes, Quattro et alia (Clearaudio) are in 0,6 -- allegedly better length than the 0,5 for some electrical reason. I don't think they charge extra for the 0,1 :).

I had only one experience, with SPM. It was 0,5 -- 0,6 -- 1,0/ used b/ween cdp->active pre. I'm nuts, I know, but the 0,6 was best, 1,0 came second. The highs as noted before...
0.6m is better than 0.5m ? Now I have heard it all. Someone has really got to give me an explanation for that.

Drubin ... I have read that long interconnects are better than long speaker cables, especially if you have the option of balanced interconnects. However with single ended interconnects I guess it would depend on your preamp. Some preamps are designed specifically to be able to handle the capacitance of longer interconnects, others may not be.

Unfortunately I can't give you a scientific explanation of why higher capacitance of long interconnects is better than higher inductance of long speaker cables ... I just read that it was so.
PS..When I noted above that in my experience shorter was not always better, it really was a system related comment. I've played with systems that were already a little too analytical; so a shorter cable that makes the system even more detailed, etc, was the wrong way to go. A longer cable smoothed things out.

I do agree that generally speaking, the shorter the better for unbalanced interconnects.
Sugarbrie ... I think your explanation is good ... an over-bright system might prefer longer cables. I was refering to an electrical/physics reason why a longer cable might pass a signal with less degradation ... that I just can't believe. Not with a baseband signal. RF is a different matter because of transmission line effects.