How far can I run a signal from a Cartridge.

I am wanting to get back into vynil and I am going to be getting a table (considering P3) and I would like to use the phono stage in my Linn Pretek. But there is a problem. The preamp would be 10 feet away from the table.

Can I run a signal this far without destroying it? It would be nice if I could as this is only a temporary soultion until my wife and I buy a house?

I could buy a Rega Phono stage but would it be that much better than the phonostage in my Linn? Seeing as in a year or so I might not need to use it anymore. I am wanting to save money money here and I am not sure if it would work.

I also will be using a high output MM cartridge ove about 6.5mv or so. I am thinking the Goldring 1042.

So my question is: would this work? How far can I run a signal without destroying it?