To Ulkatraz:
"And, most importantly ask if they will do cod with a deposit (either you can send them a money order or you can paypal them). The amount of the deposit would be the amount of the shipping, insurance and cod charges and a little extra for their time. If these terms are not acceptable forget it. LET ME REPEAT, IF THESE TERMS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE FORGET IT. Don't get emotional and make an impulsive decision and lose your money. "
I have a perfect and flawless feedback rating. I would NEVER accept COD, therefore, i would never have a transaction with someone making those demands. I will tell you about 2 scams. These have never happened to me but, have happened to many others before.
1. COD, crooked buyer. No offense to any FedEx drivers but, they are not bank tellers. Someone could go to their local post office and buy a $700 money order. Take that money order and color laser print multiple copies of it. Someone with just a little talent could scan it and change the serial numbers on each money order. Send the COD package to a local, or out of local Mailboxes Etc., or any other address that is not their home. Fedex comes with the package, you hand him 5 $700 money orders totaling $3500. By the time the driver Fedex's them back to the Seller and he finds out they are phoney, you could be in China.
2. COD, crooked seller. You ask for COD to protect yourself. No problem, you ordered a 100lb Krell amp for $8000, so you want some sort of protection. The crooked seller decides that his local home depot is selling 25lb cinder blocks for $5 each. Go buy 4 and pack them in the Krell box that you found outside the local hi fi shop before you posted your "for sale" ad. All packed up and ready for shipping. By the time you open the box, the driver is gone. They WILL NOT allow you to open the box and inspect it's contents before they have been paid. Once you open it and they have your money orders you are done. Time to call the FBI or sue.
There are specific details that I will not post here for fear of copy cat crooks. Needless to say any flaw in these stories has a simple answer that I will not post. These are true stories that happen everyday. For these reasons, I never do COD but, that is my choice. If I buy from someone, I check feedback, ask for a phone number and email account that isn't linked to Hotmail. As a Seller, I furnish this info to all buyers who ask. Never burned anyone and never been burned, here or on ebay.