My CD player won't read CDR or CDRW

I tested my Krell KAV-250cd CD player yesterday and found it won't detect/read any CDR or CDRW that I have. Now I'm in progress of getting a new CD Transport which accepts CDRW. Here is my narrowed down choices based on availability on used market around $1000.
1. Audio Research CDT1 transport
2. Sonic frontiers SFT-1
3. Classe CDT-1

Anyone has experience with above unit and can give me the idea of
1. How good they are?
2. Does it play CDR or CDRW?
3. How does it perform compare to Krell 250cd?

Thanks for taking a look,

Supakit S.
That's odd, my Krell 300cd--hich is very similar to the 250cd--reads both cd and cdrw without a problem. Might be the way you're closing the cd's when you burn them...
I found that certain brands of CD-R's don't work well with high end equipment. Memorex completely sucks, TDK are very blue in color and many CD players can't read them. Maxell aren't bad. Sony CD-R's seem to be the most reliable. I thought you can't use CD-RW's for audio playback.
I bought a $25 Sony portable CD player at their outlet, stuck it on top of three Vibrapods, got Radio Shacks' 1/8 to rca adapter,added some decent interconnects that were laying around, and wham!, CD-R for under $50. Now I can keep my Sony DVP-9000ES for a while. Try it, you might just like it. If not, you can always find some use for the portable.
Double check your CDRs to make sure you finalized properly.Your recorder will read and play them,but no othere payer can read them if they're not finalized.Read your instructions again.
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