Disappointed in SACD player

Well, there I was yesterday. At the chain store who Sony has designated as their retail point of attack for SACD in the Philadelphia, PA region. Tweeter, formerly known as Bryn Mawr Stereo and Video. Formerly, Bryn Mawr Stereo(but we all know what happened there). Since my recent misfortunes with CD players, I was considering a jump to a Sony SACD player. One thing about Sony, their stuff is reliable. I found one player, the 5 disc changer. It was hooked up in a HT setup. Not even prominently. There was also another CD player in this system, along with a DVD-V player. As no salesman came into the room, I didn't pursue. I found no other player in the store. Finally, when we were looking at tv's, someone asked us if we needed help. I asked about SACD, and was told two players were on display. I asked to see the one that I didn't see. I was taken to a wall of DVD players, and sure enough, the ES9000 was there. Not hooked up, sitting there like all of the other DVD players. And in fact, THAT IS HOW THIS STORE IS MARKETING IT. As a DVD player! The guy gave me the big spiel on it, from a DVD perspective. 12 bit scan, instead of 10, etc., etc., etc. All of which is meaningless to me. I am not a HT or DVD guy. I spend my time on two channel audio. The guy left me less interested in the player than when I came in. They could not even find any SACD material in the entire store. Not even a sampler. I came in wanting to be impressed, wanting to leave with the desire to buy an SACD player. Needless to say, I probably won't be buying very soon. Wasn't this supposed to be Sony's summer of all out SACD offensive? Players starting at $350(which still will probably come), creating interest with the general public and lifting the new format to something beyond the niche of the lunatic fringe. As it is now, it is not even as recognizable as DAT, and miles behind MD(which was very prominent in the store). Both of which are monumental flops in the words of Sony.
Lorne,i know where you are comming from.If you get ou to the West End get out to Alternative Audio in Dundas.They Have a Moon Eclipse CD player 6K or close Canadian.
I hate heaving to dress up.These guys arre all idiots.
I had a similar experience when I went to my local car dealership to order my copmany car.I had a P.O im my pocket.
I had ripped jeans and a torn tee shirt on.I am real comfortable dressed like that.Anyway I got ignored for 25 minutes.I aske for the MGR showed him P>O and took my business elswhere.
I cant belive business is so good they can afford to turn people away.
Bay-Bloor is HT all the way.Not the same level it was when it was run by the founder himself.He liked 2 channel.Audio Excellence is hit and miss depending who you get to serve you.Ricky has been very good to me.He has let me listen to some nice stuff knowing there is no sale at this time.Happy hunting.
If Linn and Classe are item your interested in Audio One in Concord is not a bad place.Ask for Carlo,he has been decent to me.
Leafs, I concur with the Audio One commendation...top notch all the way...just don't waste the brothers time! Don't forget Rob at Applause...though his stock leans toward the European. Still, 6 Hatt Street (I haven't visited the new store yet, but like his website) has got to be the best in terms of selection and service.

Audio Two in Windsor is pretty good also.

And I haven't been back to Angie's since she pissed me off! Money to spend (sometimes), and nowhere to go!
I don't have an SACD player and at the moment have no plans to buy one, but...
I have done some time listening to one on an average system (that's anything that isn't as good as mine) and the sound was very good. My Sota Sapphire/Rega RB900/Sumiko BPS turntable combination sound much better than my Sony CD player, but I bet SACD is finally approaching the sound quality of vinyl. Is SACD worth the price? Maybe but I will stick with my turntable and my collection of vinyl that will never be available on SACD.
While this is off topic, the only time I dealt with Audio One in TO was making an inquiry as to the availibility of a set of Maggie 1.6's. Was bluntly told" I have 2 pairs in stock and thats the price (MSRP)!" I advised him that I would be in town later that week and if they were still available I would like an audition. Told again "don't expect a price reduction as I have told you that is the price". Bough a pair of maggies in the US - would never deal with them for even a foot of wire...