Thanks to all who took the time to respond. It will take me a while to get through Albert's great set of URL's for finding vinyl.
It is encouraging to know that others have navigated hifi with children.
Brett44, you don't know my wife. I can't have the upgrade conversation w/ my wife any more. I'd need Johnny Cochran in my corner to try and win that debate. I think the angle I'm going to try this time is that I'll sell off all of the old systems gathering dust for this new purchase (what ever it turns out to be. Any one need a crappy rotel cd player and a decent adcom processor :)?
Bob's comments about enjoying the music and not pursueing the collection of equipment is particularly fitting. He must know my wife!
Dirtyragamuffin- I live in Iowa, so I am familiar with "hell" and not being able to readily find software or hardware from dealers easily. I have to trek to Des Moines or Chic., which are hours away and that isn't happening much since my little guy came along.
BTW, I do have a really good collection of vinyl available. My dad who is 100% Czech must have 200+ 45's and records (he has a totally crap system though as he can't hear squat any more and refuses to use his hearing aids). To bad they are all polka!!! The tuba and the singing just get to me after a while. Maybe I'm not drinking enough beer when I'm down there.
Thanks again for the responces.
It is encouraging to know that others have navigated hifi with children.
Brett44, you don't know my wife. I can't have the upgrade conversation w/ my wife any more. I'd need Johnny Cochran in my corner to try and win that debate. I think the angle I'm going to try this time is that I'll sell off all of the old systems gathering dust for this new purchase (what ever it turns out to be. Any one need a crappy rotel cd player and a decent adcom processor :)?
Bob's comments about enjoying the music and not pursueing the collection of equipment is particularly fitting. He must know my wife!
Dirtyragamuffin- I live in Iowa, so I am familiar with "hell" and not being able to readily find software or hardware from dealers easily. I have to trek to Des Moines or Chic., which are hours away and that isn't happening much since my little guy came along.
BTW, I do have a really good collection of vinyl available. My dad who is 100% Czech must have 200+ 45's and records (he has a totally crap system though as he can't hear squat any more and refuses to use his hearing aids). To bad they are all polka!!! The tuba and the singing just get to me after a while. Maybe I'm not drinking enough beer when I'm down there.
Thanks again for the responces.