Vinyl, should I take the plunge?

I've assembled my dream system over the last 10 years, a nice mark levinson system with b&w n802 speakers. I've been contemplating the next step, vinyl, sacd, dvd audio. I've heard good vinyl and know how good it is, but have lingering questions...

1) What are some web sites that sell vinyl. I'd really like to see what I can buy. New releases? My old classics? I need to really see what's available and what peoples opinions are for the future. I tend to classic rock, jazz, blues, classical, and some new age music.

2) I have a 15 month old and am planning at least one more. Am I nuts for even considering vinyl (wife speaking)? I haven't had many problems so far, but my little guy just started walking a month ago. Have others successfully raised kids w/o major repairs to their vinyl or dream audio system? Or do I just need to accept that some bad things are bound to happen and start saving :( ?

I'm not convinced sacd/dvd audio are all that they are cracked up to be. Both from software that is available (limited) and the fact that so much of the software available is a crap shoot depending on how it was mixed/sampled. Comments for those w/ sacd?

Thanks in advance...

Thanks to all who took the time to respond. It will take me a while to get through Albert's great set of URL's for finding vinyl.

It is encouraging to know that others have navigated hifi with children.

Brett44, you don't know my wife. I can't have the upgrade conversation w/ my wife any more. I'd need Johnny Cochran in my corner to try and win that debate. I think the angle I'm going to try this time is that I'll sell off all of the old systems gathering dust for this new purchase (what ever it turns out to be. Any one need a crappy rotel cd player and a decent adcom processor :)?

Bob's comments about enjoying the music and not pursueing the collection of equipment is particularly fitting. He must know my wife!

Dirtyragamuffin- I live in Iowa, so I am familiar with "hell" and not being able to readily find software or hardware from dealers easily. I have to trek to Des Moines or Chic., which are hours away and that isn't happening much since my little guy came along.

BTW, I do have a really good collection of vinyl available. My dad who is 100% Czech must have 200+ 45's and records (he has a totally crap system though as he can't hear squat any more and refuses to use his hearing aids). To bad they are all polka!!! The tuba and the singing just get to me after a while. Maybe I'm not drinking enough beer when I'm down there.

Thanks again for the responces.

That is a great article (re:)

I was unaware of it before this evening but agree with every word !

My son was allowed to handle EVERYTHING in the house, including knives, my stereo, even my fragile Hasselblad camera equipment . He has always been curious and I helped him explore everything in my world so he could be independent.

Today is his 18th birthday. Today is also the day we received a letter from University of Texas offering him a scholarship. He wants to major in Computer Science and Nano Robotics. The scholarship is the result of his extraordinarily high SAT score.

I firmly believe that kids are capable of much more than we give them credit for. I taught my son about electric drills, hand tools, saws, even how to shoot my two 1911 Colts and my Glock, this by the time he was 9 years old. Two years ago he graduated from a training school for both shotgun (skeet) and AR 15 long range shooting.

The result? He actually watches for other kids, warning them about the dangers of electricity and firearms. A person cannot be cautious unless they are informed and to be informed one must be trained and experienced.

All too often adults avoid the difficult tasks. It's simpler to make rules that restrict or expect others to take responsibility.

A perfect example, four years ago he and a group of kids were visiting another students home after a football game. About an hour after they arrived I got a phone call to come pick them up. Kids from another school showed up at the party with drugs and they wanted no part of it. My son and his friends didn't want to get anyone in trouble, they just wanted to remove themselves from what they believed was wrong, so they called me to come get them.

It's nice to see some kids take responsibility for things that can ruin their lives and made decisions that don't require (our) intervention.

Stereo should be the least of kids responsibilities. If you're patient, it's simply not a big deal. I have video of my son playing LP's on my Versa Dynamics with Benz Ruby, grinning ear to ear at the music he was making. He was so young he could barely reach the que bar.

We listened together then. We listen together now. I love him and proud I took the time it required to make him responsible. That little bit of extra effort repays you a thousand times later on in life.

Kids are precious and irreplaceable, the stereo isn't.
To do vinyl you need to have that tweaker mentality, because when it's 4 am and the bass isn't right on your Pink Floyd record you need to know what to chage. VTA, VTF, or anti-skate? You get the picture, many variables with this one! I assume a LOT less with digital, I mean all you do is plop the silver disc in the tray and pick up the remote. As for kids I agree with ALbertporter, but if YOU are'nt there yet just elevate your table on the wall(about chest height no more unknown kid inspections). I think if you give vinyl a try you will either "get" what the vinyl heads "get" or you'll go back to counting 0 & 1's.
Albert -- that was a great story -- really enjoyed that. Congratulations on a job well done and thanks for sharing your experience.

With all the noise that passes for conversation these days, of which I probably contribute more than my share, your post stands out as a model of how a forum can best be used. Thank you.