ML 39 w/Bryston amp and Thiel 2.3?

Looking for comments from anyone who has owned/experimented with the combo above...current setup is a Sony DVD-P7000 run through an Acurus ACT-3 to Bryston 9B amp and Thiel 1.5s. (System used for audio and Home Theater). Planning to ugrade soon to Thiel 2.3s, and am considering a Mark Levinson 39 as a high end digital front end to run balanced into two channels of the Bryston. Would be curious as to experiences with the 39 and any Bryston amp and Thiel laid back, etc?
This sounds like a great setup! I'd tend to not use the #39 unless you are getting a super deal. I've owned this unit and was satisfied with its sound. It was "tweeky" in the sense that if it ever loses power, a full hour must pass before plugging it in and powering up. If you don't wait this long it will either: 1. Not produce output or 2. Generate sounds equivalent to a banshee being molested by a porcupine. If I were me (and I am) I would test drive the MSB Platinum before dropping large bucks on the '39. The other stuff (Bryston & Thiel) are no-brainers they're so good. Have fun!
hello, I want to say I strongly disagree about the 39. I own one and do not have such problems. The unit is one of the greatest cd players I have ever tried. I love it and wont sell it unless I was forced to do so. When someone makes bad comments about it you need to wonder how good there other electonics where at the time. That is very important with such a revealing cd player. The player does everything And the sound is unmatched. So I would HIGHLY recommend buying it. I cant say enough great things about it. It is mind blowing. I use the 39 direct to my 335 and Martin Logan Ascents. Very nice sound
Dude, you misunderstand. My post says something like: "I was satisfied with its sound". This means it sounded good. I complained that if the unit was unplugged, it took a full hour of being unplugged to return to a functional state. This was confirmed by the factory (and the dealer)as a "known problem". It's ironic that the head honcho of madrigal is quoted in July's Stereophile as saying "We don't experiment with out customers on immature technologies". I guess they only experiment with mature technologies.