Top phono cartrige to match jfrech's system ...

Please click on my system link first. I'm looking for a cartrige to upgrade from my Helikon. Also, I'm going on a buisness trip to Japan soon. I'm hoping I can buy something over there just a little cheaper-but this is not a requirement.

My system weaknesses are, just a little cool in the midrange, just a little hot on the top end and images could be a little rounder. Strengths are excellent detail, excellent bass definition, very quiet, transparent etc. I'm using Amperex 7308's in the phono stage. Telefunkens sound better...but are noisier. Bad trade off I think.

The only other possible upgrade is to a Aesthetix Rhea or Io. Maybe even the depth charge cap upgrade on my P10SE. My BAT Phono is great with outputs around .5mv...anything much lower and I'll have to use the transformers. Which I think cut down on quality some vs going direct to the input tubes.

My thoughts, and I wish I could audition these in my system, but I doubt I can...

Lyra Titan
Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum
Dynavector XV-1 or XV-1s

Any others? Any comments on why I'll like/dislike the above? Thanks for your help !
ZYX is a possibilty with respect to a different cartridge, but if you are having the "trouble" you indicate, I'm not sure I'd look in the direction of the Helikon as the culprit.
I'm not offering a strong opinion here, mostly just a thought for others to chime in on...
The dealer who sold me my Shelter 501 told me that he had been using a Helikon as his reference cartridge, and that he was so impressed with the 501 that he bought himself a Shelter 901 to replace the Helikon, and was very glad he did. (Granted all this was with a Nottingham table.)
Since then Shelter has introduced the 90X, which I've never heard, but seems to be getting some great commentary here and on AA, and is closer in price to the others under consideration. Perhaps someone more experienced with the 901 & 90X(e.g TWL - Tom, are you out there?) could comment on if these cartriges might fit the bill for Jfrech.
The 'Gonner to whom I sold my OL Illustrious is using it with a 90X and I will try again to have him post his impressions here.