Cardas Golden Power Cord.....

Has anyone tried this PC? Is it good? I'm trying to make my CDs more listenable and have heard that the Cardas products help on this in many cases, so I'm considering this PC. Does this PC could affect the sound in a bad way? Thanks for any comment. Yair.
definitely one of the best power cords IMHO. I am using about 3 of them in my 2 systems. DO NOT however use the Cardas Hexlink power cord. The Golden has rich harmonics, full and large soundstage, warm but still very detailed sound both power and speaker cables (golden cross are excellent)
Try the Virtual Dynamics Power 3 powercord before spending money on anything more expensive. A 6 feet cord only cost about $70 with a money back gaurantee. The drawback is that is it very heavy and may not work for light weight components. I was skeptic but I was impressed after talking to Rick Schultz about his design. I was even more impressed when the Power 3 gave my Mark Levinson 331 more transparency, dynamic contrast, better harmonic structure, lower noise floor, more air and ambience and smoother extended highs. It sounded like a layer of dirt was lifted between the music and I. Bass became cleaner, more focused, more taut and plainly "more real".

I never heard the Cardas Golden Powercord, but I suggest that you consider the Virtual Dynamics Power 3 also.
Eiekitchen, why not use the Cardas Hexlink power cord? Could you expand on your reason about not using this cord. I was thinking about using this cord with my Odyssey Stratos amp.
Trip try the costum power cord model 11, I have
the mono extreme,they are good for amp.Since
I bought this pc, I am very happy. Sometimes
I will post here to get an idea, but most of
pc recommendatio are between 1000 to 1500 dollars.
Yes cardas pc are very good.Xiek is right the
cardas golden cross is excellent.