any tried Still Points?

I have heard about the new Still Points isolation devices. Do they work and in what aplications? I have talked with 2 dealers--1 says the are great and the other was kind of luke warm on them. Would I be better off saving my money and just buying Vibrapods? thanks
I have not tried them, but if you are new to isolation tweaks I suggest you experiment with the low cost Vibrapods. Try several different versions of them under different components and note the changes. Once you are comfortable that there are indeed changes in the sound, move up to more expensive cones and/or bearing devices one component at a time. There are generally many such items for sale used right here and the forum archives have many DIY projects as well. Isolation tweaks can be a very cost effective method to improve even a modest system.
I tried the Still Points under my Berning Siegfried 300B amp, and they made a significant difference in the sound, for the better. Greater harmonic richness, soundstaging and "blackness" of the background. I haven't done A/B tests with other products, but I can give them an enthusiastic thumbs up.
I will have to whole heartedly agree with Davidz. Have been using the still points under my cd player and amp. I have heard the MIB 1.0-1.2 as well as the pro's in my system and in my opinion these are superior to them all. The MIB's have a tendency to open up the top end at the risk of making it "too" airy to the point of being unnatural. The Still Points on the other hand bring the music back "down" to earth. The highs still retain their detail, but are able to achieve a solidity, and stability that is awesome. Soundstaging, imaging, timbre and harmonic richness are also greatly improved. When listening to string instruments such as a grand piano, I have been able to hear harmonic overtones and resonant decay unlike any I have ever heard. The bass also has become more articulate and has more impact. These little guys really help in allowing the listener to hear further into the music with out adding any deleterious effects of their own, unlike many other similar products out there. If you are looking for a cost effective(considering performace-to-price ratio)these are a good place to start.

P.S. these are in no way tweaky to set up. No shims. No sliding around. Just put in place and enjoy.
Hope this helps,
