Does anyone remember the LIRPA1 cartridge? The computer controlled cartridge moved around the record on a small "trailer" that was towed by a tiny, radio controlled car. The information from the grooves was transmitted via FM directly to one's phono stage. Turntable rumble was totally eliminated as was the turntable itself. One only needed a record mat. Whatever became of this great cartridge? More information on this and other LIRPA products may be found in the "Audio" magazine annual buyer's guide that was published every October.
Dr. Lirpa's products only worked 1 day per year, on April 1st, therefore the market was somewhat limited.
They had great potential but, since they only worked on 4/1 and needed about two weeks of break-in, it was never realized.
Let's see, that is 14 days at 1 day/year. If Dr. Lirpa released the product in say 1985, would it not have been until 4/1/99 before it was fully functional? And further, wasn't he deceased by then, without ever realizing the products true potential?
Worse yet. The two weeks need to be continuous. The device is no older today than the day Dr. Lirpa made it.
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