Sony DVP9000es Audio Settings

Switching back and forth between attn. on/off makes a big change in my system. I wonder if this is why the 9000 gets some bad reviews? The filter is more subtle. I am using EVS atenuators and the diffence is amazing when the units attn. setting is on.
I was talking about a SONY DVP-S9000ES, modded or stock. Witness Pilar whose findings are the same with that of mine (SHARP/ATT OFF).
>Life is too short to let a DVD player eat at your brain.
It is not that bad, especially that Service so far is not able to repair it :) (but they will, I know :) ) so I do not have possibility to compare it with old CD any more, and do not get frustrated any more too, but unfortunately I get when I read rave posts about it knowing that there are hundreds better players IMHO.
Any other player did not get that much positive attention here (3 threads on this page!!!-why is that). And knowing how it sounds how reliable it is I'm getting frustrated and I feel I have to respond to warn others. Just my 2 cents.
Sorlowski it's nice to see that you have maintained a good sense of humor. I've only had my 9000ES for a couple of weeks and I will admit that while the Redbook comes up a little short of adequate, SACD is not bad and the DD/DTS is great.

I enjoy modifying equipment and I bought this unit for its build quality as well as the multitude of modifications that are available for it. I just can't wait to sink another $1,200 into it so I can sell it in a year for $600. :)
good sense of humor it is all what left to me, I just got to know that local service would be able to repair it for .... $600 (parts + work),
so a lot of peoples this days have sense of humor :) (is not this true that value of all parts constitute 1/5 of the MSRP ?, so how two parts could cost $450 + $150 work = $600)
I will try SONY service they would not repair it on warranty but at least they have flat rate $132. At least it is what I was told.