thank you, my budget is in the $400 - $500 range max.
I replaced Blue Heaven with the AC MI2 and preferred the tone and presentation even though the BH was more detailed and extended (especially in the highs)
thank you, I will look into the jena labs twin 15, it sounds good especially the fact that you like the bass response too. That is something i miss about the MI2 it had good slam in the bass region even though it was a little thick.
I would really recommend the Alpha Core MI2 and Acoustic Zen Satori to most people but I am greedy and wanted the best of both. Especially the Satori in the right system could really sing, the MI2 is a little down in most performace aspects though tuneful.
thanks guys
thank you, my budget is in the $400 - $500 range max.
I replaced Blue Heaven with the AC MI2 and preferred the tone and presentation even though the BH was more detailed and extended (especially in the highs)
thank you, I will look into the jena labs twin 15, it sounds good especially the fact that you like the bass response too. That is something i miss about the MI2 it had good slam in the bass region even though it was a little thick.
I would really recommend the Alpha Core MI2 and Acoustic Zen Satori to most people but I am greedy and wanted the best of both. Especially the Satori in the right system could really sing, the MI2 is a little down in most performace aspects though tuneful.
thanks guys