Best RCA female output connector.....a CD player ?

Boy...we all search for great cables..copper vs. silver..even the end of the cable..silver over copper..etc. So, why don't we worry about these CD players that have zinc/steel into PC boards with partial gold-plate over steel/zinc for female RCA outs?

My question is two part...isn't this a bit of a problem..and if you agree..what is the best RCA female out connector to solder in place of the stock OFC with a silver(alloy)plate? (of course this doesn't even touch the op-amp audio sections of all of your cd players....)
The Tiffany line of connectors are quite nice and come in a variety of diameters. Mate gold male and female and never fret over an oxydized silver connector again.
I recently replaced most of my RCA females with Vampire Wire copper based connectors. I bought these and DH Labs solid core silver wire from the This was a significant upgrade in clarity and produces rock solid images. Highly recommended!
I think that DH Labs currently offers the highest quality male RCA's on the market with a very specific Vampire model running second. Since DH doesn't offer female jacks at this point in time ( as far as i know ), i'm assuming that Vampire would have a corresponding female jack to mate with the male model mentioned above. The cost of these things and the amount of time / labor involved is a pretty high ratio in terms of what you get back from your investment though. That is, given that you already had "pretty decent" connectors and connections to begin with. Just bare in mind that whatever you do as an "upgrade", you're still using solder as the bonding agent between parts in the signal path, so use GOOD solder.

Having said that, changing op-amps in a cd player can make an instant difference for a lot less time and money. Adding a few more support components and improving what is already there can easily take you up a few levels of performance. Sean