
Hi, thought you guys could help me decide which direction to go on buying either the Scheu Premier II or a Teres/100 or 200 series table. Which Teres would be comparable to the Premier II. I know some of the same people designed both tables but sonically speaking/money, any thoughts on one or the other that might help me decide. I will be using a Morch UP-4 arm on the new table. Thanks in advance for any information. Any help is appreciated.
Brian, generally speaking, a project that starts out to exceed a certain benchmark will not be considered successful if it doesn't exceed the performance of that benchmark. Since the Teres group had the Scheu right there to work from, I suspect that they knew if they were getting better results, or not. I have not done the A/B comparison myself.

However, I don't doubt that the Scheu is a very fine table. If you did the comparison yourself, then you know what the exact comparison would yield. And, since all this is subjective, you might just find something about the Scheu that you like better than the Teres, but not everyone might find that to be so. That's why there are a variety of turntables out there. I've heard some people say they like a certain turntable better than another, when it was clearly the opposite, to my ears. So, to each his own.

Enjoy your table and your music. In any case, we both have good ones.

Where are you? If you are close to North Carolina and want to hear my Teres, email. I'm sure others will say the same.
What's the difference sonics and cost between the Scheu premier 2 and the layest version of the eurolab premier?
TWL - lets try and stick to the facts when posting on this forum and not being a bigot towards one particular tt and making statements like you did that are not based on real experience. Everyone who posts advise on this forum should practice this. Frankly, your obvious and extreme shilling for Teres is getting to be annoying and it detracts from effective knowledge sharing.
I disagree Bmckenney about TWL and Teres both. If he doesn't know, he says he doesn't know. I never see him deviate from the facts. Just because you don't like his or anyone else's answer is no reason to slam their response. I always thoughht that when someone asks for an OPINION, they deserve to get an honest answer. And almost all of these answers are subjective, as Tom said, becuse what sounds good to one does not necessarily sound good to another.

As usually happens here, someone gets off the subject to ridicule a product or person they "dislike". While I've listened to many other tables, the Teres is the best that I have heard. That's why I recommend it, especially when someone asks specifically about it.

In this case I would say go with the Teres. But try and listen to the Scheu so you can judge for yourself. The problem here is listening to both of them with the arm and cartridge you want to use. But, if you can't listen to either in this way, go with the Teres. That's what I did, got one (built one) sight unseen, I mean unheard. And guess what, TWL helped guide me along during this process. Along with countless others here.

Sure I got the "buy an LP12" type responses and listened to others slam the Teres, but I went with the opinions presented for my budget and listening style. And am damn glad I did.

So to once again guide this thread back to the original subject, yes you have to do a little work. It does not come set up. If you can set up an arm, you can set up the Teres. Look on the Teres site, I think there is a set up manual there. Also, look here:

Joe's Teres

You will be able to see most of the parts, and what goes where. You'll also see how to build the plinth, at least how I built the plinth, so that if you go with the lower model, you know what's involved if you want to upgrade it yourself.

And as always, email Chris with any questions, he is very helpful.

Just my OPINION.
