Hi All,

I was wondering if any one has done a direct comparison of the Arcam CD players (Alpha 9, DIVA CD92, and the FMJ CD23). I am upgrading my 7se, but I have only had the chance to extensively audition the Alpha 9. Thanks for your help.
Hi, Xmore and others.

First, let me state my bias. I love my CD92. It is very detailed and handles all areas of the audio spectrum well. It has helped to make the speakers disappear. Don't have a personal comparison with other models, but from my reading of reviews and talk around the net, including Audio Asylum (which you might want to check), the CD92 seems to be a definite step up from the 9. Some people are of the opinion that the FM CD 23 doesn't offer enough improvement over the CD92 to warrant the extra expenditure.

I had a Rotel CD-855, which was considered a very special cdp in its day, and the sound from it was excellent. However, when the CD92 was put it the system, it was a significant step up. Definitely greater detail, a wider - and much to my surprise - and higher soundstage. E-mail me if you want the dealer's name who recommended it to me. I bought it solely on his suggestion and haven't regretted it for a second. He may be able to answer some questions and give a good price.

What are your other components? That would also be helpful.

In any case, good luck. I'd be interested if you get it. Let us know, won't you?
I had an Alpha 9 (upgraded from an 8) which I enjoyed very much. I haven't heard the new DiVas, but I have heard the FMJ CD23 and the Sony mentioned above.

The 9 or the FMJ are a BIG step up from the 7SE, which is a very nice budget player. However, the 9 and FMJ are true high end players, with greater depth/width of soundstage, detail, dynamics, frequency extension and refinement. They are much better at sorting out large-scale, complex music than the Alpha 7. (BTW, I too much preferred the 8 AND the 9/FMJ to comparable Rotels.)

Contrary to the above post, I would not charactarize the sound of these players as laid back. While not forward or "in-yer-face", the Arcams were quite dynamic and rhythmic. I spin a wide variety of discs, classical, jazz, rock, world, and the Arcams did well on all types of music. If you like your Alpha 7, there is a definite family resemblence, a house sound. My sytem when I had the Alpha 9 was pretty revealing, with a combination tube preamp/ss amp and Nordost cabling.

Certain criticisms of the Alpha series - lightweight chassis and some clocking issues - seem to have been addressed in the DiVa 92, so I would definitely audition a 92 if I were looking to buy new. The comments here and at Audio Asylum have been very favorable on the DiVas.

The Sony player, which sounds wonderful on SACD, is not as good on Redbook CDs as any of the Arcams you are considering.