Looking for a cd player to match my system

I am currently looking to upgrade my cd player. My current system includes:

Cary 303 100 cd player
Thor TA-1000 preamp
Thor TPA-30 monobloc amps
Kharma Ceramique 1.0 Speakers
Acoustic Zen cables

I would like to keep the price below $5,000.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Also, you may wish to add the Muse Thalia Nine Gen.2. Its one of the best one box players on the market at this time.

Best of luck,
If you like the sound of your Cary, the 306/200 is supposed to be pretty good too. People tend to lump it in with many of the above players. Everyone seems to have their own favorite, so you should probably try to listen to a few before deciding.