Don't lie....Do you hoard vinyl?

I have 700 LP's with 200 more to come soon. In the past 10 years I've played no more than a dozen LP's a year because of time constraints.

Are you hoarding LP's that you just don't have time to play? Why don't you sell them? I'm saving mine to play when I retire. I'm 50 years old.

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You can donate to thrift stores and get tax deductions. We should reserve the vinyls and pass them on. If no body wants them then it's their loss.
I do not. I have only 46 ft. of LPs which includes mine, my deceased friend, my father and my wife's father. I do not. They are 1928 to the present re-issues and new ones like Tom Waits. I do not. Most of my duplicates were taken by my daughter. My friends get them for Christmas, and yes they do have tables. So I have only a dozen. I do not. I buy only from A Classical Record (Web site with a store-- if you want to call it that-- in Manhattan), Accoustic Sounds, Music Direct, thrift stores, and a handful of Salt Lake City shops. No more than fifty a year, except when the University of Utah radio station decided that playing Car Talk seven times a week was more important than being a teaching univeristy, so they killed the music department. And I bought 5 boxes and cancelled my donation. But none of that is hoarding. But I like the idea...
This is interesting stuff. I just got back into vinyl and the other day my girlfriend let me have a box of LPs that used to belong to her ex-boyfriend. Nice, huh? There were about 100 of them and about 25 were to my liking and were in good condition. I did not care for the rest so I tried to give them away and even take them to a few pawn shops and no one wanted them. I feel terrible just throwing them out.

It is too bad that there isn't a website of FREE stuff where you could give stuff away or trade for other things that are useful, but maybe have no intrinsic, resaleable value.