Directionality for Alphacore Goertz MI 2 cable?

I am in the process of auditioning a pair of Alphacore Goertz MI(2) Veracity speaker cable. From what I have read these do not require much burn-in time, but the highs are sounding awfully bright and grainy. I've got Paradigm Studio Reference 20 v.2 monitors which have a metal tweeter (bright). But I can't believe the Alphacore cable could be quite this bad. There are no directional markings on the cables, no arrows that is. One end of each cable is labeled with the Alphacore name--is this to be considered the amp end or the speaker end? There was no instruction sheet and the packaging does not mention directionality. Can anyone advise?
Hi Jvogt,

Actually, it is low negative feedback, broadband amps, like Stasis and Spectral that have issues with Goertz cables. I have heard that Spectrals are so susceptible to this that they will not guarantee their gear unless you use their MIT cables, which are zobeled. Global feedback makes an amp more stable, but that comes at a price, as they do not sound as good. Nelson Pass has something on this at his site, I think it is under the article on cascode amps. The more feedback, the more you kill the highs, which kills air, etc...
Thanks to all for the posts on this thread. I will install the Zobel's this afternoon.

The MI(2)'s I am auditioning are 6 feet. My amp is an Arcam Alpha 8R which is a warm amp and have had no problems to the present with Mapleshade Double Golden Helix or Audioquest Type 4+.
Right on Lou !!! Slow amps with limited bandwidth and poor rise time using gobs of negative feedback have nothing to fear from these cables. Then again, amps of this nature are not typically found in audiophile systems nowadays. This is due to the poor sonic characteristics that they introduce into the system ( lack of air & high frequency detail, veiled midrange, etc.. ). That is the reason why i recommend using the Zobel's for the mass majority of installations. Most SS amps have come a long way since the 1970's in terms of the spec's ( lower grade parts and circuitry with greater error correction ) vs sonics ( faster & wider bandwidth circuitry with better quality of parts ) approach to building and designing SS amps.

Bare in mind that even if an amp can't deliver rull rated power at very high frequencies, that will NOT keep it from "trying" to deliver power at those ultrasonic frequencies. Since the amp is trying so hard to reproduce power at out of band frequencies, the signal that is being reproduced in-band is compromised. As such, the Zobel's may even be beneficial to amps that are not normally thought of as being "fast" or of limited bandwidth design. Sean
After installing the "protection" for my amp, I am disappointed to say that the Alphacore Goertz MI(2)'s are still too bright, perhaps too thin in my system. I know from experience that my Paradigms can be painfully bright on the highs, so I am going to look further for a cable solution and return the Goertz MI(2) to the manufacturer.
Hi Salby,

You know that what you are really telling us is that the Goertz cables do not compensate for other system issues... I agree that changing cables is the least expensive way to go, but it really is not the right way to go... I think the Paradigms may be a little tweaked for HT, but I have power the 100's with good gear with reasonable results...

Best Regards,
