Is a cable cooker worth it?

I have heard many good things that a cable cooker can do to improve a system, but I am wondering at what point the expense of a cooker is worth it? Alltogether, how long must I burn in my cables, via system play, before they are good and hot as opposed to the expense of buying an Audio Dharma cooker and having near instant results? I don't know where I fall in terms of mid to high end audiophile, but I calculate that by the time I get all the components that I want for my system, minus cables and extras, I am approaching $8500 bucks(only components). So, is a cable cooker worth it for someone like me?
I charge a favorite CD for burning in signal wires and can burn them in for 5 days or 30 days at your option....I've always got something burning in here so I just add them to the chain of speaker wire or interconnects....Not worth it to buy a burner unless done so for communal use such as an audio club or whatever...I use the MOBIE for interconnects and a big stereo amp for speaker wire into an 8r load.....
Cooking your cables WILL make an audible difference. It can be amazing. I recook mine every six months and here an improvement every time. You should look into getting a unit, or, if it is not in your budget right now, or if you want to hear the difference they make before you buy one, I would be willing to cook your cables for you for free. E-mail me. Happy Listening! John
hello don't overlook the advantage of cooking your AC power cords on a dharma cooker, you haven't heard them until they have been cooked. If anyone is interested I could be persuaded to cook some for a small fee.
how would you like them to be cooked

make sure you do not overcook.
My experience with one of these devices was not positive. It is easy to overcook, in my opinion. Not worth it, I say stay away. Others will disagree.