Cardas cables

I'm currently using Cardas cables throughtout my setup with Golden Ref's interconects, speakers cables as well Golden power cords. Whilst I love the trademark warm, rich qualities (saw someone even call it sweet) and deep soundstage of the cables I might be over doing it a little and would appreciate suggestions whereby I could perhaps introduce some detail or airiness without compromising the Cardas sound.

I'm thinking the best place to start would the Power cords. Suggestions.

PS:Setup consists of Rowland (Concentra II) Amps and ProAc (Response D15) speakers
See if you can borrow some Kimber Select 1130 or 1030 to replace your Golden Reference IC. This will provide more treble detail than you're getting now without being the slightest bit harsh. It is also totally grainless. Your system, like mine, is voiced toward the warm side. The Golden Reference is too much of a good thing in a warmly voiced system.
Thanks, everyone for your input. What I've tried up till now is I've first introduced Nordost Pulsar points under the CD player and moved my DH Cones to under my Hydra PLC which has resulted in a subtle increase in detail.

I've managed to get my hands on pair of Shunyata Taipan PC and replaced the Cardas Golden Ref PC on the Amp. Impressions up till now is the base has firm up (comparitive to GR PC which seem a little bloated). Will need to listen a couple of my fav instrumentals CD's before passing further comments however I got carried away with enjoying to a couple of Pop albums after a shit day of work that I completely ignored paying any detail to differences.
FWIW, Jeff uses Cardas cable internally, so best to look elsewhere for help imho.