Hello Ramesh, It's a bargain at $1300 and I think MSB realized this and raised the price. It's still a great DAC at $1895 but getting a little expensive compared to some very good all in one CD players. I sold mine mainly because I wanted to reduce the clutter. I hope I don't regret my decision. You can still buy the MSB Gold Link III for <$1300 new but you can find the Perpetual DAC for less. Its also a good DAC but for my system I chose the MSB. It really depends on what you're looking for. I found the MSB to add more slam and detail at the bottom end and warmed up the midrange a little which is what my system needed. Would I buy another MSB Gold Link III for $1895? Probably not but for $1300 or less (used) I would do it again for sure.
anyone heard the MSB Gold or III combo against the EVS Millenium II? All the reviews I've heard have been the MSB Link versus the Millenium I with no upsampling.
Hi Audiotomb, Sorry! Haven't heard much about them against the EVS M2! However, I have a friend who had the modified MSB and EVS M2! If you want, I could inquire! Email me and let me know! Rgds, Ramesh
Hi Abecollins, Your description of the Gold Link III is what I like too! BTW, regarding your description, are you basing it on the standard Gold Link III or the one that has the Full Nelson upgrade! Rgds, Ramesh
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