My new Well Tempered and opinions as to Isolation

As a preface:

I seldom post here-- as sometimes less of me equals more :)

It seems as though a killer deal for a very minty late model, black platter, carbon fibre arm, upgraded wiring, Well Tempered Classic V came across my path ---

Could I refuse NO!
(sorry Teres folks yer still in my heart.)

I have set it up with my DV10x4, (not ultimately dialed in yet) good lord that silicon is schticky schtuff.

It INDEED SOUNDS LIKE HEAVEN, but as retentive as I am, I know I can do better ---

SO isolation ideas anyone ? (those with practical WT experience only please.)

I am thinking along the lines of a way to get those silly feet outta the way, and perhaps one of the "Bed Bath and Beyond" maple cutting boards (1 or 2 maybe). ?

I am leaning toward a Shelter 501, or a Denon 103R as my carts to get this front end where I really want it.

Decca is on the list, but I dunno if that is a good thing at this point.

Any other cool tweaks are appreciated as well ---

Ideas, avenues ?



TWL, I take your recommends with high regard--

The recommend for the ZYX Fuji, while I am certain is a great idea, my checkbook is in disagreement. In fact it even fell off my desk and is buried way deep behind computer wires in the hope that is is not to be found :P

What other ideas for carts do you have in mind ? I would like to stay around the $800 mark, If I can spend less, I may have a better chance of finding that missing checkbook.

I don't have to buy a new cart tomorrow-- I do like the way the 10x4 is sounding, BUT that doggone audio bug sure bites hard :)

Good day to everyone, and Happy Listening!


Jimbo3, how do you get the silk string to ride at the apex of the crowned pulley on the motor? I have tried string and it always rides down, slowing down the rotational speed. I have a classic table currently. Long live well tempered! Brad
Dynavector DV20X..high or low output....
Dynavector DV17 Mk 2...

both are excellent and work well with arms designed for medium/high compliance cartridges...
I agree with Carl. The Dynavectors are very good for the under $1k market, and the 17D2 Karat has been described as a "poor man's ZYX Fuji". Only $750 retail.

Perhaps that may float your boat.

Also, there is a new Lyra Argo out there that I haven't heard. Lyra is also a very nice cartridge.