Buying Hi-End CD Player or Transport..

I'm looking to buy a new CD Player to my Home Theater/ Music System. I have narrowed down to 3 choices:
1. YBA CD1 (Solid State)
2. Balanced Audio Technology BAT VK-D5 (Tube CD Player)
3. Sonic Forntiers SFCD-1 (Tube CD Player)
4. Forsell Reference Transport.

Here is my current system.
Preamp: BAT VK-5i (Tube)
Processor: EAD TM-Signature
Power Amp: Jeff Rowland Model 5
Speaker: B& W Matrix 802 S3

Which would be the best way to go. adding transport or cd player. If buying the transport, I'll use EAD Signature as a DAC. If buying cd player, which one is the best.

Your comment would be very appreciated.
Supakit S.
I agree with Tacs!
I use the EAD T-7000 transport as my front end of a VERY, VERY expensive system, and am very happy. Over the years, I have upgraded every other part of my system except the EAD. It was a true bargain even at its new price.
I agree with Jtinn about buying Levinson right now. The old No.39 is over priced (even used) when you consider the design is so far behind the current generation of newer players. IMHO, digital technology improvements are significant and new chips and designs have a bigger impact on digital electronics vs amps and preamps whose underlying techology hasn't changed in decades. So even a modestly priced CD player or DAC using current generation technology will likey out perform that megabuck unit that is several years old, believe it or not! My 2 cents....
You may wish to include the new Electrocompaniet EMC-1 MkII with 24/192 DAC in your comparisons. I'm becoming quite enthralled as mine burns in. Good luck.