Check out the FT Audio LW-1 ($500 new) it is highly regarded and has excellent reviews in the audio magazines. Supposedly they have conquered all the downsides of passive pre's and the unit has terrific dynamics, imaging, transparency, and surprisingly BASS! Many of the owners that I've traded emails with say they get great slam and low frequency extension. Also, it has 5 inputs and tape monitor.
Anyway, it comes with a 30-day return policy, so there's no risk. The US distributor, Paul Lam is a great guy to talk to and is incredibly honest. He will honestly tell you whether the LW-1 will work in your system or not.
P.L.C.Lam Consulting Inc.
2 Asgar Walk
Tel: 306-586-8596
Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 6W4
Fax: 306-585-3837
2nd phone number, 306-949-8048.
Reviews: - (2/3rds down the page)
Also, search the archives on's General Forum, there has been lots of discussion about the unit, and a few owner revies. has quite few owner reviews. And Ebay consumer reviews.