IC for Moon/Revel

Need an advice for ICs. Present system is:
NAD C541i
yet some old-cheapo-Monster-interconnects
Moon i-5
AZ Satori
Revel M20

Both Moon and Revels are quite revealing and on neutral (some cold) side. When I got Satori, I experienced more pleasant bass, and a little (not enough though) softened highs. I want to extend Satoi's effect a little more, especially in regards to highs, which are still a little (I mean a little) too bright. Some warmer sound would be appreciated, but I don't want to sacrifice resolution /details /soundstage for warmth.
Dmitrydr, have you considered that the cheapo Monster Cables you currently are using are probably warming the sound up somewhat? Monster tends to be warmish. If you get a neutral cable like Cardas NR, you may end up with a BRIGHTER sound than you have now.
I'm considering to change te source. NAD C541i to Marantz DV-8400. No HDCD, but there are SACD and DVD-A... Obviously I'd appreciate any opinions on that matter.
And, getting back to the subject, who is familiar with Marantz house sound, and considering the other components, what interconnects are recommended?
Ok, I've took Warrenh's advise as an action item... NAD has gone, and I've got Simaudio Moon Nova CDP, which I find just amazing from every and each point of view. Now the weakest link remained is ICs. Nova sounds so good, so I'm pretty confused what interconnects will do the best now... Any advise, please?
CableCompany advised Wireworld Eclipse III+... What other cable could be considered as similar - just to understand its character?