Different Tonearm and Table advice...short, short

I contacted Morsiani to ask about his entry level arms and their suitability for the following tables:

Teres 150/245
Scheu Premier Mk II
Nottingham Spacedeck
Audio Note TT1

Here is the response:


My CM 1 arm with carbon tube is sold at Euro 800,00,excluded shipment and taxes.

It can be installed on all turntables you wrote. In my opinion the best is the Teres, followed by the Scheu; the Audio Note is really a renamed Systemdek and is good for the price and better than Rega.

The Nottingham is not advisable because has a stepped motor with noticeble cogging,and it is the worsest of the group.

Best regards,Carlo Morsiani.

This arm was mentioned in TNT Audio and received a thumbs up for cost and being competitive with the best arms out there. They do mention ease of setup is NOT one of its merits. The arm is available in 9" and 12" lengths and with different headshells.

Looks like it could be landed for just under a grand US so it is competitive with the more expensive Rega arms and things like the Graham Robin and the Morch (DP6 more expensive).


Anybody with experience with this arm?
Carl, I have no experience with that arm, nor does anyone that I know. It looks very interesting, but I cannot offer any meaningful opinion on the performance.

Also, the Nottingham doesn't have terribly noticeable cogging(IMO), and it is a very good table. A DC motor would help it, I'm sure. But I still like my Teres best, in that price category.
When I was researching a new turntable - i have still not made up my mind (not having the money helps a lot) I got the following response from Carlo ..... and i quote

"The CM 2A,with tonearm,graphite mat and clamp cost is Euro 3500,00 excluded shipment and taxes.The weight with 4 wood boxes is 75 Kg.The wait time is more than six months,because i have a lot of orders,and I work alone.An earnest of 500 Euro is necessary for order confirmation and matr. number assignment."

i am not sure of euro/dollar rate of exchange, but it looks like serious value for money to me - the only trouble is finding out good reviews private or otherwise
Live mid-market rates as of 2004.05.10 18:39:53 GMT

3,500.00 EUR = 4,149.15 USD

1 EUR = 1.18547 USD 1 USD = 0.843547 EUR
The CM2 is very expensive. The CM1 arm, which is less than a grand US, was given a huge thumbs up from the TNT Audio people. That is the arm I contact Mr Morsiani about. This arm and the Morch appear to be good units for either the Scheu or the Teres. The Morch has interchangeable arm tubes, though; that is a huge advantage. But, it is quite a bit more money new. Used prices on the Morch are attractive; one for 750/BO with yellow wand right now.