EVS Millennium II Versus Bel Canto Dac 1.1

Has anybody had an opportunity to personally compare these two DACs? They seem similar in some regards...both upsample to 24/96k, both use Burr-Brown 1704 dacs...except the EVS is more tweaked out. I would be interested to hear of any experiences. I do note that I see quite a few Bel Canto DACs for sale, while you hardly ever see a used EVS available.
I now realize that the direct comparison might be alot to ask, so any opinions??

I have an opinion about the Bel Canto 1.1, it is smooth, very musical, more dynamic than the original with excellent resolution and it is a great product. Haven't heard the EVS. Why are there so many up for sale? Because there were many sold and people are always looking for something better is probably the reason. I sure have no desire to sell mine although no doubt there is better to be had for more money but I haven't heard as good for less. The Bel Canto DAC does music right.
haven't heard the Bell Canto

I've just recently burned in my EVS Millennium II and this dac is truly jaw dropping in performance. Natural, musical, so resolving. I'll post a review when I have time. It was so much more impressive than an Audio Research Dac3 and Sonic Frontiers CD1 (both very well respected dacs). Totally restored my faith in the digital medium, Ric Shultz is an audio saint.
Thanks for the responses. I really don't want to make this a popularity contest, I just wanted to get opinions related to just these two DACs. It sounds like they are both excellent. I've been using a tube DAC and would like to move to a SS upsampling DAC. These both sound very capable.