Good Quality Distilled Water???

If store variety distilled water is not considered good enough and full of impurities, where does one get distilled water for cleaning records that is acceptable?

Shhhh. Don't tell anyone but where I live is one of the nicest climates on the face of the planet considering we have four seasons. High desert. Ah, it's so nice. Rain, if you can call it that, is rare and snow removal would be a one way ticket to go broke if that was your chosen profession. I look out my front yard at a range of mountains and out the back door at another range. Trout fishing is abundant as is snow skiing. You couldn't pry me away from here with a crowbar.

Luckily for me I've been married for a long time to a woman from the great state of Wisconsin. It may be cold where those milk cows live but the women have warm hearts and toasty feet. My single acquaintences complain about the local women suffering from near cryo internal temps here. I demo-ed a couple of those cryo gals when I was young but found they introduced a shrillness which wasn't synergistic in my sytem.
I use only the best distilled water from high up in the himalayans, i noticed there is some nice quality about it when the locals schlep it back down on the back of thier yaks, i guess the swinging motion of the yaks help purify it more. Then thhey bring it back to thier village, and put a very tiny amount of Yeti dandruff in it, then have it blessed by the spirits of thier ancestors, which really gives it a nice smooth liquid quality that you just can not beat

$1,375.00 a liter? When it comes to cleaning a $5 LP, we all know that the quality of the water is of the upmost paramount importance right fella?

Once i saw this sucker using $150pr liter water from the top of Mt. Fuji. Thought it was something special. What a tool.
If one stoops to using something as unrefined as filtered tap water, wouldn't a pass through the Nitty Gritty or similiar machine remove those filtered water contaminants?
Ok I must chime in here---

For ages I have used the VPI cleaner, and have kept it in the refrigerator in a gallon jug (to keep it from spoilage)...

I had an unexpected house-guest that apparently got thirsty in the middle of the night.

YUP, you guessed it! He drank a bunch of my VPI cleaner thinking it was cold water ~!

When he told me what he had done-- I just about died. "That wasn't water, that was record cleaner."

He lived without incident, so I guess the VPI stuff was good quality!!!!

Oh BTW, my RRL fluid is on its way from Red Trumpet, so if anyone visits dont get any wild ideas :)
