Good Quality Distilled Water???

If store variety distilled water is not considered good enough and full of impurities, where does one get distilled water for cleaning records that is acceptable?
Okay guys, I bought some of the RR products and they arrived today. Great stuff. I had an LP that I just couldn't get to play quiet enough for my satisfaction. I dug that one out first and used the cleaner and then the wash. It's quiet now. The stuff goes a long way too. Very interesting and nice product.
Audiophile= obsessed (I´m one!!).
Gentlemen Your records are indeed far more contaminated than the distilled deionized water properly done you can buy!!
I know, I am obsessed too!! i.e. audiophile but I see no point in overdoing something that's already well established and known in specialized circles i.e. using the right level of water purity and the rest of your cleaning process should get you the improvement in sound without making everything as complicated as we audiophiles tend to do.
If the dionizing process is properly done, subsequent repetitions are useless and nothing more than a nice marketing tool, if you are happy putting money in someone's pocket for peace of mind that's OK with me, but don't believe everything you are told or read.

you missed the point. People are posting here about their first hand EXPERIENCE with the RRL products. Go back and follow the link in Herman's last post for more reinforcement.
I don't think Sol missed the point. He is saying the whole issue of double tripple quadrupple ionization is a lot of marketing BS whether or no actual use of RRL fluids meats user expectations.