Is the Dynavector DV 10x5 as good as they Say?

Does anyone have experience with the Dynavector DV 10x5 phono cartridge? It's been getting some great reviews in the mags, but how does it really sound? Is it as good as they say? Thanks!
It is a decent cartridge, but its list price in the US is way too high. If you buy it directly from Asian importer for around $200 - that's a different story.
Same for the Dyna 17d2MkII...If you can get one from Hong Kong via importer(Juki or Marcus) can save big on them. I read the reviews on that cart and decided to give it a try. Saved over $300.from retail.You may want to concider looking in that model with the great prices from overseas.-:)
Very smart advice! get it in Hong Kong!shows how lame our boutiques are at setting up cartridges! Hope one day all retail operations will come out of Hong'll be nice to see you guys get a nice demonstration of an audio product!and if you break the cantilever by accident during the set-up, i sure hope the seller in Hong Kong will supply another cartridge free of charge! I'd rather pay more and get good support from my favourite retailer. support works both ways. This type of advice is killing the good audio boutique who stock products, sevice products, support customers in their never ending quest for higher level sound systems. and it seems to me that the all the was asking was if the dyna was as good as they say! there is always someone who gets a thread sidetracked! is it good? answer: get it in hong kong! well i'll answer the question: yes it's a great cartridge.
Yes it probably is. Lived with 20XH for a while. (obligatory got it from hong kong). Good clarity, dynamics, and tracking like someone already mentioned.

I couldn't audition one locally, and I live in a metropolitan area! In fact I can't really audition any analog period. So sad. I doubt I could trust the shop set it up for me anyway. So what good is the markup for? And besides if you buy enough stuff this way, eventually you can replace a few broken items yourself and still come out ahead. Obligatory "Extended warranty? How can I loose!" /homer_simpson_voice=off. I wish I had a dealer like you DSC. I really do.

So how is it that we get sidetracked like this, LOL? just kinding. Sorry my bad. Really it's a good cart, even if you pay full MSRP. Take care!