Digital Interconnect Questions

I've always used inexpensive consumer grade digital cables of the $25 - $40 variety from Circus City, GoofGuys, etc. I'm talking about the 75ohm coaxial cable for attaching CD transport to DAC. Is there a significant difference in sound quality with higher-end digital interconnects? I've always been skeptical of over priced cables, especially the digital interconnect. I'm not seeking a debate but would like to know if anyone can actually hear a SIGNIFICANT difference. Thanks.
What kind of brands of digital cable sold in Circus City?
Is there any difference between Circus City and Circuit City?
If you've already spent about $10k on your digital end than the digital interconnect cable will make a difference but not as big as analogue interconnects. Otherwise it's OK to stay in $50 range for the digital interconnect. I use ultralink $25 digital interconnect with EAD DSP7000 MK2 and Monarchy Audio DT40b CD/LD transport. I've compared it with Illumitation D60 and heard very little difference in upper mids resolution. I desided not to go for 9x price from what I use right now.
No, tyhere is no difference, the majority of today's separate dacs re-clock the signal as it arrives so unless there are major errors along the way, there will be no difference at all.
Thanks everyone. Most say there is a difference and some say very little or no difference at all. My digital gear is valued at almost $6K [LIST] but it's mostly in the CD player.

The player is the Cary CD-306/200 that has digital inputs (Tos, Coax, AES/EBU) that I use with my Adcom GCD-700 CD changer. The digital output (coaxial) from the Adcom is sent through the Cary 306/200 to take advantage of it's better DACs and digital filter.

I'm currently using an inexpensive Monster Cable digital interconnect of 1.0M length that I picked from one of consumer electronics stores (Circuit City, GoodGuys, SoundTrack, don't recall where I got it exactly). I may try something else based on all the generous input above. Thanks!