Choice of Wire for Dedicated Line

I'm planning on having a dedicated line run directly to the service panel. There is a LOT of RF in this area; as we have an antenna farm within a few miles. Any specific recommendations for wire?
A year ago I read posts from Redkiwi and others regarding Romex etc being directional. I tested the Romex and UV both directions. Redkiwi and others are correct, it does sound better run one direction versus the other. You have to try it both directions to see what sounds better!
Lak, I do NOT find that the Belden 83802 is directional. ALL the PCs I've made sound the same. Since the cable is NOT marked, I'd imagine that 50% are each way....interesting about the Romex, though.
Red, do you mean that USED Romex sounds worse when reversed?
That I could buy in a hurry.
The stuff we get here (New Zealand)is directional from new, and it is possible that the Romex you get there is manufactured differently, and may be of quite different quality. The stuff we get here is usually called TPC, not Romex, and as some will know, stands for tough pitched copper - ie. made by archaic methods.
OK, I’m sure the 43’ run of Belden 83802 is burned in and sounding good. In a blind A/B comparison test Belden 83802 (v) 10 gauge solid UV and Romex with identical Hubbell 8200 cryoed outlets I cannot hear a difference, they all sound good! That’s not saying anything negative about any wire.
I would guess that if one were to make a power cord, the Belden 83802 would be the way to go, as a matter of fact I own one and really like it!